Well bloggers, it was a long day on the road to Relevant '11...
Last night after youth group, I had the new RealCare baby simulator home with us for the night to test out before my childcare students go home with them next week. Let's just say we don't have children and besides when my hubby is sick, I'm not used to being woken up at 3am, much less by crying! SO I started tired...
Then I had a full day of school including planning for 3rd block since I had a field trip in the afternoon and planning for tomorrow's sub while I'm at Relevant. Thankfully while I was at school my sweet sweet husband came and filled up my empty tank, pumped up my leaky front tire, and left me a frappuccino and kit kat with a sweet note for me when I left school otherwise who knows when I would've gotten to Relevant.
I was on the road after fighting buses to get on the interstate, then I arrived at around 6pm (registration was till 4, dinner started at 5) but to my delight dinner was not over! And though I was so nervous to walk into a room of over 300 women, the table I sat at LaDonna, Stefanie, and many other sweet, kind, and friendly women made me feel a bit more at home.
The keynote speaker after our meal was Tsh Oxenreider from SimpleMom and she was inspiring. She talked about finding yourself in your element, where passion meets skills, both God-given, which leaves you in a place where you are delighting in the will of God.
"Your blog is only as good as your marriage"
"To provide for our family so we are free to serve"
She talked about a blog being income or being outreach... either is great!
And best of all, she had us imagine heaven with our laptops and a PSL (yes, she went there! loveher!) and showing Jesus our blogs, does it bring Him pleasure, does it glorify him no matter the topic, whether it is in the faith-based or secular blogging world.
I love that Tsh creates an atmosphere where all are welcome to her blog, she doesn't reject comments, but allows them and loves on the people who visit whether they are for or against God. This model of living is something I'm familiar with, but for blogging? I never thought about it that way... what amazing insight. Thanks Tsh for sharing with us!
Then we had the beach bash, a hang out session with Starbucks coffee (hence how I am still awake despite the long hours today) and Neapolitan cupcakes. I was completely overwhelmed! I found a few other women feeling the same and met some amazing women with moving and inspiring stories of grace and mercy. I met Mandy, Sarah, Natalie, and many others. I saw Crystal@MoneySavingMom and Courtney@WomenLivingWell but was too nervous to meet them, hopefully tomorrow I will have enough courage, but I didn't want to interupt the time they were spending getting to know other bloggers.
I'm off to bed, but I can't wait until tomorrow!