As I thought today about music, I came across the parable of the prodigal son. A story I know many are very familiar with. The part of the passage that stuck out to me today is when the younger son has come back and the father has taken him back as son. The father orders for the fatted calf to be killed, to bring the best robe, and to celebrate.
We are told that the older son hears the music and dancing and asks what is happening. We read later that the older son is upset, has he not been keeping his father's will this whole time? Where is his party? And this picture is of God and his children. When those who are out wandering in this world come to know Christ, God rejoices! He has adopted you as a song or daughter in Christ! We are brothers and sisters! Music is to celebrate.
But why doesn't the older brother celebrate? He had two choices, he could rejoice that his brother who was lost had been found, or he could become bitter at all the work he had done and received no reward (or so he thinks). It makes me think about how often I, instead of joining someone else's celebration, become bitter, wondering, "where is my prize? where is my blessing?" We become JEA-lous (or as we like to call it, JEA). And jealousy is not becoming because God tells us that love is not jealous. We should make the conscious choice to choose celebration instead of jealousy.
Let us all remember to join in each member of our families little and big celebrations. Let us all rejoice daily remembering that we are children of God! We

Make sure to visit Courtney's Blog at WomenLivingWell to see her tips for Making Your Home Sing Also check out all the other bloggers who have linked up there!
So true. What a great attitude to have, to remember the joy of salvation. Sometimes it is easy to forget in the day-to-day.