Made a last stop to target while I waited for my husband to get off of work late Wednesday night so we could travel to my parents' for Thanksgiving. Picked up 3 more pairs of slipper socks for .67 ea, 2 more free leapfrog books free, 2 tubs of cool whip for .24 ea, 2 cream cheeses for .44 ea, a Cuponk game for $2, and 1 more pack of cookie dough for .11.
When I arrived at my parents, my mom said, I think you really need to teach me how to do this... I have a feeling we'll be doing some training over Christmas break (love you mom!) Didn't get a picture because of the Holiday.
Now on to the Black Friday Shopping!!!
My husband had to be at work at 3:15, I decided to ride with him over to the city so we left our house at 2:40... Bright and Early!
My friend Laura and I made our game plan, we would hit Target when they opened at 4, hopefully make it to the mall by the time they opened at 5 (for Hallmark, American Eagle, and BBW), and then round it out with the drugstores in whichever order they opened. We needed coffee first, but even McDonald's wasn't opened, so we started anyway.
So as we made our way to Target, the line was probably about 100 people long at 3:45 and there were 4 cop cars lined up to stop people from jumping line. Everyone was polite, we just waited in the car until most people were in the store. An older gentleman made his way out with a big tv just minutes after the doors opened and everyone cheered for him! It was fun! Not the scary Black Friday I saw on the news where people trampled on each other.
I picked up the $5 Pj's ($5/3 after my $10 off sleepwear coupon), Things (the game) for $17, and a hat and glove set for $2. I combine with Laura's order so we could get a $10 gift card for spending $100. So my total after gift card was $16.
The line was organized and went quickly, the officers strolling were talkative, the employees knew where everything was, and the line went quickly and everyone was friendly. Best of all, the Starbucks inside target was open so we got some caramel brulee lattes and headed on our way, fully energized.
Next we went to the mall, it was hardly busy, it was like a dull roar in there. We went to American Eagle first to pick my hubby up a hoodie (he's been looking for one for months) for $16.66 which is a price I can handle. Laura went to BBW and I assisted her in combining her coupons to get $260 worth of products for $67! She did great!
At hallmark, I got another 3 cards, another snowflake dish and some Lindor truffles for $1.88 Cheap gift idea coming up for the three of those I got!
Then the big time: Drugstore game
At Walgreen's I took advantage of all the free items plus the Centrum moneymaker. It turns out in addition to needed the same amount of items as "coupons" you also cannot roll over a Jingle Buck into the same deal. For example you can't use your .99 Pepsi Jingle buck to purchase another .99 Pepsi or the 2nd reward will not print out so after some strategery and 5 transactions, I spent -.01 on all this after Jingle Bucks and Mail in Rebate (Planters) not as good as it should've been but again some Jingle bucks got eaten in figuring out this process.
Next CVS, my standby, never lets me down, ECB's are by far the easiest system as I taught Laura (who also got just about as much stuff for free) We found mail in rebates for full purchase price on hangtags on the RenPure Organic Shampoo and Conditioner, so that was a $10 moneymaker after MIB. I had $2 off Gillette Deo making it $2 moneymaker, and a $1/1 Eucerin and $1/3 for the Listerine making this transaction a total of a $14 money maker! WAHOO! CVS always my favorite. And I have a new favorite store (the one up the street from me is rather stingy with the ECB's and doesn't like you using them.
All in all, after balancing out rebates, money makers and costs, I think I spent somewhere in the range of $20 for everything.. Not bad!
How did you do on black friday?
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