Once again, I'm following along with Courtney's Challenge from Women Living Well.
"Week 1 starts TODAY! Look for ways to praise your husband verbally. Praise him in front of the kids, friends, family, co-workers, on facebook, tweet it - get praise out anyway you can! Try to mention something noteworthy he has done - in his role as provider, father, husband, lover, or friend. If the thought of trying to come up with one terrifies you, then pray right now that God will give you new eyes to see your husband as God does. Then open your mouth and say something kind and uplifting to your husband today and tomorrow and the next day until Valentine's Day arrives"
Wow, how easy is it to say something critical, yet sometimes so hard to come up with something nice to say? In our homes, this can be detrimental! Every time I read Courtney's blog, I feel as though she is reminding me to encourage my husband, to build him up. And what a difference it makes! It sounds goofy sometimes, to say things like "my big strong man," luckily for me, my husband and I are just plain goofy, so its a little easier for me.
Our hearts are what it comes down to, because out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks, so our first step is to get our hearts right, focus on the good in your husband; there is some, whether or not he is a believer, God still sees good in him and considers him precious!
The problem is, when we verbally criticize or yell or nitpick at our husbands, their feelings are just hurt, their pride is damaged; they feel disrespected. (if you have not read Love and Respect yet, I would encourage you to do that during February)
One thing that can really help (mentioned in Love and Respect) is to write your husband a letter about what you respect in him. Husbands respond to respect, I wrote my husband a card when I first read the book, and it is still on our desk today!
Another thing we love to do at our house is leave post-it notes around (especially with how many I got free with couponing this year!) with notes on them. Sometimes pictures. My husband once wrote a note thanking me for making his lunch so he could get big and strong and drew a cartoon-y picture of a muscle man! I'm going to take some time this week to write my husband some post-its, and all month long, focus on verbally encouraging my husband.
One thing that deflates my husband is when he does things around the house and I don't notice. because of this, I am in the habit of no matter how long my day was, I take a slow walk from the car into the house and look for things he has done (taken the recycling to the center, washed the dishes, organized his shoes, made the bed) and simply give him a big hug, kiss him like I mean it, and sincerely thank him specifically for the things he has done that day.
What does your husband need encouragement about? What things can you praise him for? How can you display your respect for him?
Link up if you're joining the challenge! And make sure you visit Courtney's site for more lovely ladies.

Hey there Holly, first of all, CONGRATULATIONS on getting married! I am not sure if you'll remember me or not, but my husband Justin and I hosted WIRED Bible Study's Christmas party at our apartment last year (2009.) You and I got to chat a little bit that night. Anywho, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate this post, thanks for sharing it. I am really looking forward to encouraging and building my husband up over the next few weeks. Love & Respect is on my reading list. I think I'll start asking around to see if one of my friends will let me borrow their copy. Thanks again for the post and God bless! Love in Christ, Melody
ReplyDeleteHi! I joined Courtneys challenge too, I am excited!!
ReplyDeleteYou and your hubby sound adorable, love all the post it notes and special cards. Esp how you make sure to walk slow and look around the house for things he did...I am going to try that. Respect is a huge way to show my husband that I love and adore him as well. Ppl think guys do not care about all these little things but its not true, they really do! And they want their wives to trully be their number one fan! Enjoyed your blog..love to follow and read more! :)
{Sarah beth} http://hislovingpresence.blogspot.com/
Melody- of course I remember you! How are you and Justin doing? I was just looking that the pictures of us all trying to unwrap that present with the winter gear on! So funny! Thanks for reading... Come back soon, I usually link up to my posts on facebook :-) so you can look there
ReplyDeleteSarah Beth- thanks for stopping by! I enjoyed your entry on the challenge as well... Its fun to be able to use facebook to spread encouragement; especially because I know it goes straight to my husband's phone wherever he is and hopefully others can "praise him at the city gates" for the wonderful things he does. So glad you're doing the challenge as well!