I am linking up with Courtney's challenge again! Valentine's Day is one Monday and it is week 4 of the 25 day praise plan challenge
"Week 4 February 9th - Women love romance, chocolate and flowers on Valentines Day. Do you know what your husband wants? Ask him! Let me make a suggestion as to what a majority of men want even if they aren't willing to say it: a great tasting, looking, smelling home cooked meal and home cooked dessert, you pursuing him for a night of passion (remember you are married - HAVE fun! God created passion for us married folk! lol!) or a letter expressing all the things you admire about him. One of these things he would surely enjoy. Which of the three does your husband need from you right now?"
"Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun--all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun."-Ecclesiastes 9:9We are doing a sermon series on Ecclesiastes at church right now. This may seem downtrodden, "everything is meaningless," but in the end of ecclesiastes, the preacher concludes that APART FROM GOD, everything is meaningless. So rejoice in God, and enjoy life with your husband, who you respect
Now my husband is unusually thoughtful and pretty romantic. Last year (when we were dating) included a home made meal, chocolate covered strawberries, a homemade pinata written all over with surprise fillings and notes. Very romantic, I think. It didn't cost a lot, because we didn't have a lot, he was doing part-time work and I was in school.
It's not about what, but the thought. If your husband puts a lot of thought into a card, then appreciate it, appreciate anything he does, even if he just remembers.... REMEMBER your life is NOT a
chick flick. Here are some tips for ENJOYING Valentine's Day:
1) It is better to give than to receiveFocus on what you can do for your husband to show him you respect him, you care for him, and actually like to hang out with him. Write him a respect note, clean his car, rent a "guy" movie and get his favorite movie snacks. If you can't afford to go out to a restaurant, recreate your favorite restaurant dishes: there are tons of copycat recipes online, once I made panera at home for a movie night with my hubby, I made paninis on the george foreman, soup, and fancy salads.
2) Don't compareDon't keep up with the Jones's. Someone else's husband may be romantic, but he may lack in other areas your husband excels in. NO ONE is perfect! ALSO, don't compare your husband to his past efforts. My husband does not need to be held to the standard of last year. Appreciate, don't compare
3) Remember his interestsNO matter what happens, remember that
DEEP DOWN, your husband does not mean to harm you, or hurt your feelings. You are a TEAM! (this is something I need to be reminded of often when my feelings are hurt) Life is too short to be mad! If it is an issue that needs addressing, do so at a proper time, with a collected mind and heart, with respect for your husband.
4) Choose to LoveEvery day can be a struggle, or it can be a joy. True joy comes from the Lord. Happiness is fleeting. Remember that Love is a Choice. God chose to love us, and we are COMMANDED to love others. (And why wouldn't we, after seeing God's love for us, and the sacrifice that Jesus made) Sometimes it is hard to choose to love first, to give in. Love is not some baby with a full head of hair and a sack full of arrows shooting whoever he wants and making them "fall in love" Choose to love your husband and intimacy and romance will blossom.
As for me, this is our first Valentine's day as a married couple... I think that's all I need to say ;-)
Link up if you're joining the challenge! And make sure you visit
Courtney's site for more lovely ladies.
