This week's challenge is: be a little more creative with your praise.
I didn't go super crazy this week for the challenge, on Saturday, I got up earlier than my husband. Which is pretty easy if he's not awake yet. I got up and started my cleaning so i would be mostly done by the time he woke up and could spend the day with him.
Then I started breakfast, nothing too crazy just french toast (his favorite) with sausage and cinnamon apples (later I found out he doesn't like the texture of cooked apples... LOL oh to be a newlywed!)
As it cooked, I grabbed a piece of scrapbook paper and wrote him a handwritten note thanking him for all he did that week (he is between jobs and home while I'm at work), praised him for being a godly husband, and for loving me and placed it at his seat. I rearranged our table setting so the candles and place settings faced us and made it more intimate.
And nothing is a better alarm clock for a man in his 20's than the smell of breakfast. Just as I finished cooking he wandered out to the kitchen. I know he really appreciated it and he thanked me, although he did let me know he didn't like the texture of cooked apples (I was trying to get rid of the apples before they went bad and not have a breakfast consisting totally of protein and carbs... but hey I tried!)
Just a little way to make breakfast a little more special.
I always washed the dishes, or at least tried and got halfway through, even though it's "his job"
here are some other ideas for showing your husband love and respect in a big way...
1) Clean (and detail if you're skilled at that) his car, of course be careful, but he will really love it
2) Buy him a small new tool (maybe his hammer looks a little bent out of shape) with a cute note (such as a screwdriver that says "thanks for loving your screwy of a wife" or any other creative puns you can think of!)
3) Write him a message in the bath tub with soap "you+me+tonight"
4) Make him his favorite whatever sandwich, breakfast, dessert, anything
5) Challenge him to a tournament (my husband is super competitive-- wii, rummy, a race, etc)
6) Just sit with him This may sound strange but sometimes while all we can think about it all the things to d around the house, all our husbands want us to do is just sit beside them while they do something (watch tv, change the oil, shovel the driveway-be the hot chocolate holder!)
Link up if you're joining the challenge! And make sure you visit Courtney's site for more lovely ladies.

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