I'm starting a new series: Thursdays in the Garden.
This year especially after watching all those movies on Movie Review Wednesday, we decided we needed a garden. (I figure I will have some fun cooking and storing projects with it over my 8 week vacation from teaching)
Only problem is: We live in an apartment, which is above a business
The solution was that we have a good relationship with our landlord, so I went to visit her yesterday and just asked her if we could have a garden and do you know what she said?
"Whatever your heart desires!"
YAY! So being very excited I did some research on the following helpful websites:
$5 Dinners- square foot garden planner
Home Farming- sponsored by Triscuit they have a lot of helpful information for beginners and you can log the progress of your garden
Lowes- we checked prices and did most of our shopping here
Tractor Supply Company- we checked prices here but found them more expensive than Lowes except for on a tiller, but we ended up not needing one
We decided on a raised garden- the soil at our house has a lot of clay and doesn't look too hot. I wanted 4x4 but Brandon always wants things bigger and better so we decided on 4x8. We are planting:
Collard Greens
Beans (off of our deck)
Everything is set, now we just have to build the garden and begin to plant! More updates next Thursday!
Are you gardening this year? Link up or post in the comment section what you'll be growing!

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